course information of 112 - 2 | 6460 Seminar on Institutional Ethnography(建制民族誌)

6460 - 建制民族誌 Seminar on Institutional Ethnography

教育目標 Course Target

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參考書目 Reference Books

A. 主要文本與核心概念
Booth, Wayne G., Colomb, Gregory G.and Williams, Joseph M.著;陳美霞、徐畢卿、
許甘霖譯2009[2003])《研究的藝術》(Craft of Research, 2nd edn.)。巨流。
Campbell, Marie L. and Gregor, Frances 著;王增勇等譯,(2012)《為弱勢者畫
權力地圖︰建制民族誌入門》(Mapping Social Relations: A Primer in Doing
Institutional Ethnography),群學。
DeVault, M. L. (2006) Introduction: What is Institutional Ethnography? Social
Problems. 53(3), 294–298.
Griffith, Alison I. and Smith, Dorothy E. 著;呂明蓁、林津如、唐文慧譯,
(2007[2004])《母職任務與學校教育的拔河》(Mothering for Schooling),
Robert K. Merton (1987) “Three Fragments From a Sociologist's Notebooks:
Establishing the Phenomenon, Specified Ignorance, and Strategic Research
Materials.” Annual Review of Sociology 13: 1-29.(中文重點摘要)
Smith, D. (2001) Text and the Ontology of Organisations and Institutions. Studies in
Cultures, Organisations and Societies. 7, 159-198.
Smith, Dorothy E. (2009) “Institutional Ethnography.” Pp.32-33 in Maria Xenitidou &
Nigel Gilbert (eds.) ESRC National Centre for Research Methods: Innovations in
Social Science Research Methods. University of Surrey.
Smith, Dorothy E. and Griffith, Alison I. (2022) Simply Institutional Ethnography:
Creating a Sociology for People. University of Toronto Press.
Smith, Dorothy E.著;廖珮如譯(2023[2005])《建制民族誌:使人們發聲的社會
學》(Institutional Ethnography: A Sociology For People),巨流出版社。
B. 研究實例
Smith, D. E. (ed.) (2006). Institutional ethnography as practice. Rowman and
A. Main text and core concepts
Booth, Wayne G., Colomb, Gregory G.and Williams, Joseph M.; Chen Meixia, Xu Biqing,
Translated by Xu Ganlin 2009[2003]) "Craft of Research, 2nd edn." Giant current.
Written by Campbell, Marie L. and Gregor, Frances; translated by Wang Zengyong and others, (2012) "Painting for the Disadvantaged
Mapping Social Relations: A Primer in Doing
Institutional Ethnography), group studies.
DeVault, M. L. (2006) Introduction: What is Institutional Ethnography? Social
Problems. 53(3), 294–298.
Authored by Griffith, Alison I. and Smith, Dorothy E.; translated by Lu Mingzhen, Lin Jinru, and Tang Wenhui,
(2007[2004]) "Mothering for Schooling",
Higher Education Press.
Robert K. Merton (1987) "Three Fragments From a Sociologist's Notebooks:
Establishing the Phenomenon, Specified Ignorance, and Strategic Research
Materials.” Annual Review of Sociology 13: 1-29. (Chinese key abstract)
Smith, D. (2001) Text and the Ontology of Organizations and Institutions. Studies in
Cultures, Organizations and Societies. 7, 159-198.
Smith, Dorothy E. (2009) “Institutional Ethnography.” Pp.32-33 in Maria Xenitidou &
Nigel Gilbert (eds.) ESRC National Center for Research Methods: Innovations in
Social Science Research Methods. University of Surrey.
Smith, Dorothy E. and Griffith, Alison I. (2022) Simply Institutional Ethnography:
Creating a Sociology for People. University of Toronto Press.
Written by Smith, Dorothy E.; translated by Liao Peiru (2023[2005]) "Establishment Ethnography: A Society that Gives People a Voice
Institutional Ethnography: A Sociology For People, Juliu Publishing House.
Wang Zengyong (2012) "Institutional Ethnography: A Research Approach to Giving Voice to the Disadvantaged" in Yang Guoshu, Qu Haiyuan,
Bi Hengda (Editor-in-Chief), "Social and Behavioral Science Research Methods Second Edition", pp. 313-344. Taipei:
Chen Yuguan (2013) "Introduction to Institutional Ethnography as a Research Method to Give Voice to the Disadvantaged". "Kaohsiung Young Family",
Pages 142-150.
Liao Ruihua, Wang Zengyong, Wu Shuer (2008) "Outlining the Map of Power in Daily Life--"Institutional Ethnography
Workshop: Core Concepts and Practical Discussions》〉. "Women's Research", pages 79-91.
B. Research examples
Smith, D. E. (ed.) (2006). Institutional ethnography as practice. Rowman and
Wang Shiyun (2017) "Discovering "High-Care Students": Text Governance and the Evolution of Text Narrative Types". "Should
Psychological Research, pp. 81-117.
Wang Zengyong and Liang Lifang (eds.) (2020) "Why is Establishment Ethnography So Powerful?" : Decoding daily life
Game of Thrones. Group study.
Lin Yuxuan (2012) "Institutional Ethnography as a Way to Reveal Domination Relationships: Taking the University Teacher Evaluation System as an Example
example>. New Criticism, pp. 1-39.
Lin Yuxuan (2018) "Pursuing teaching excellence? Research on the performance management system of higher education in Taiwan>. "Taiwan Society
Science", pp. 59-107.
Lin Jinru (2018) "Social work for indigenous peoples in disasters: the differences of indigenous peoples after Typhoon Morakot"
Taking the resettlement experience as an example. "Taiwan Social Research Quarterly", pp. 37-89.
Tang Wenhui (2011) "Why do working women decide to leave their jobs?" Motherhood identity and practice under structural constraints. "Taiwan
Bay Social Research Quarterly, pp. 201-265.
Tang Wenhui,

評分方式 Grading

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Class introduction, reading summary and final report
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學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[SS312-2]
授課教師 Teacher:許甘霖
修課班級 Class:社會碩博1,2
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