course information of 112 - 2 | 5201 Managing Intersecting Acts & Voices(台日多元文化交流實踐論)

5201 - 台日多元文化交流實踐論 Managing Intersecting Acts & Voices

教育目標 Course Target

1.本課程為銜接一年級上學期「台日多元文化交流總論」二年級上學期「領域活動計畫」的準備課程 2.讓同學能夠理解本所既有領域活動計畫的內容,並參予其中,深入了解交流活動中會發生之人際關係交流溝通問題、及執行面等實質性問題 3.多位教師介紹自己所帶領或參與的文化交流活動,讓同學能同時思考各活動的實踐意義,並從自身所處的社會交流實況中,謀求新領域活動計畫的規劃1. This course is a preparatory course for the first semester of first-year students, "Overview of Taiwan-Japan Multicultural Exchange" and "Field Activity Plan" in the first semester of second-year students. 2. Enable students to understand the content of the institute’s existing field activity plans, participate in them, and gain an in-depth understanding of substantive issues such as interpersonal communication issues and implementation issues that will occur during exchange activities. 3. Many teachers introduced the cultural exchange activities they led or participated in, allowing students to think about the practical significance of each activity at the same time, and seek to plan activities in new areas based on the actual social exchanges they live in.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is based on the theoretical investigation learned in the General Introduction to Multiculturalism and provides an in-depth understanding of "activity planning". At the same time, various interpersonal problems that actually occur in exchange activities and various issues at the implementation level of exchange activities are discussed.

參考書目 Reference Books

『ソーシャルデザイン実practiceガイド』 Eiji Publishing

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participate in teaching
Participate in activities
50 学部の「農食育」あるいは「台中学」授業、「分科教授法」に参加すること
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/5,6[HT104]
授課教師 Teacher:黃淑燕/張瑜珊/內田良子
修課班級 Class:日文碩1,2
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目前選課人數為 6 人。

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