course information of 112 - 2 | 5019 Topics in Wei-Jin Literati(魏晉文人專題)

5019 - 魏晉文人專題 Topics in Wei-Jin Literati

教育目標 Course Target

自曹魏至東晉選擇各時期具代表性之文人加以探究,本課程以「文人」而非「文學」為研討對象,乃因尚須加入文人所處歷史、思想與文化現象等要素綜合研究。從個別文人的作品、思想、處世等方面探究其個人特質與時代意義,進而評價其於文學與思想史之地位。以文人作品為主,史料為輔,將曹魏(上溯至東漢末)至東晉概分為四大時期:1.建安至魏初時期2.正始至晉初時期3.西晉時期4.東晉時期。於該時期選擇重要文人討論,擬定如下: 一、建安至魏初時期:三曹父子 二、正始至晉初時期:阮籍、嵇康 三、西晉時期:張華、石崇、潘岳、陸機、左思 四、東晉時期:郭璞、王羲之、葛洪、陶淵明From the Cao Wei Dynasty to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, representative literati from each period are selected to study. This course takes "literati" rather than "literature" as the research object because it is necessary to include the history, thought and cultural phenomena of the literati in a comprehensive study. Explore the personal characteristics and significance of the times from the works, thoughts, and life of individual literati, and then evaluate their status in the history of literature and thought. Mainly based on literary works and supplemented by historical materials, the Cao Wei (dating back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty) to the Eastern Jin Dynasty can be roughly divided into four major periods: 1. The Jian'an period to the early Wei period 2. The Zhengshi period to the early Jin period 3. The Western Jin period 4. The Eastern Jin period . During this period, important scholars were selected for discussion and the formula was as follows: 1. From Jian'an to the early Wei period: Three Cao and his sons 2. From the Zhengshi period to the early Jin period: Ruan Ji, Ji Kang 3. Western Jin Dynasty: Zhang Hua, Shi Chong, Pan Yue, Lu Ji, Zuo Si 4. Eastern Jin Dynasty: Guo Puzhi, Wang Xizhi, Ge Hong, Tao Yuanming

參考書目 Reference Books

Zhang Pu: "Collection of One Hundred and Three Masters of Han, Wei and Six Dynasties", Taipei, Wenjin Publishing House, 1979.
Lu Qinli: "Poems of Pre-Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties", Taipei: Muduo Publishing House, 1988.
Edited by Yan Kejun: "The Complete Ancient Texts of Qin, Han, Three Kingdoms and Six Dynasties", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1995.
Fan Ye: "Book of the Later Han", Taipei: Lotte Publishing House, 1974.
Chen Shou: "Three Kingdoms", Taipei: Lotte Publishing House, 1974.
Fang Xuanling: "Book of Jin", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1998.
Tang Qiu: "Jiu Jia Ji Jia Ji Shu Ji Ji Ji Ji Shu Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji Shu Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji Shu Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji Shu Ji Ji Ji Ji Jin", Zhengzhou, Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House, 1991.
Liu Yiqing: "Shishuoxinyu", Taipei: Zhonghua Book Company, 1969.
Edited by Xiao Tong and Xu Ling, annotated by Li Shan and others: "Selected Works", Shulin: Hanking Publishing House, 1980.
Liu Xie: "Wen Xin Diao Long", Wenyuange Sikuquanshuben, Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press, 1986.
Zhong Rong: "Poetry" (collected in He Wenhuan: "Poetry of the Past Dynasties", Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1992.

評分方式 Grading

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Class discussion
term report
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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[H534]
授課教師 Teacher:陳慶元
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
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