course information of 112 - 2 | 5016 Topics in Comparative Literature: Cross-cultural Study(比較文學專題:跨文化研究)

5016 - 比較文學專題:跨文化研究 Topics in Comparative Literature: Cross-cultural Study

教育目標 Course Target

「跨文化研究」是近二十年來在兩岸三地的比較文學界最為蓬勃發展的一個研究取向,中國大陸學界甚至已經在世界比較文學界的「法國學派-影響研究」、「美國學派-平行研究」兩道主流之外,融合前兩個學派,但調整為「跨文化研究」的取徑,開展出所謂的「中國學派」。事實上,跨文化研究原本即為比較文學學科本質上的主要內涵。希望透過這門課程,使學生以「跨文化」的角度,認識「比較文學」學科的相關理論、研究方法、議題及論證取徑,從而發展出結合學生研究範疇的跨文化論述可能。 本課程將講授比較文學學科中「跨文化研究」的相關理論及主要研究取徑。擬介紹及透過相關文獻討論的研究取徑包括:平行研究中的比較詩學、文類學、主題學,以及影響研究中的淵源學、流傳學、形象學、譯介學等面向。另外,在介紹「世界文學」研究取徑後,討論在比較文學理想中的「世界文學」視域下,如何透過這種「跨文化研究」取向轉化出新的理論和實踐。最後探討在研究方法上的「跨文化」所可能產生的問題。由於晚清至今是華文文學與文化,受日本、俄國、英美文化影響最為興盛的年代,除了部分涉及主題學及比較詩學的主題之外,本課程所探討的主要文本與討論面向,可同時呈現出中國現代文學史的一個切面。 "Cross-cultural studies" has been the most vigorously developed research orientation in the comparative literature circles on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places in the past two decades. Mainland Chinese academic circles have even established "French School - Influence Studies" and "American School - Parallel Studies" in the world of comparative literature. In addition to the two mainstreams, the first two schools were integrated, but adjusted to the approach of "cross-cultural research", and the so-called "China School" was developed. In fact, cross-cultural research is originally the main connotation of the discipline of comparative literature. It is hoped that through this course, students will be able to understand the relevant theories, research methods, issues and argumentative approaches of the subject of "Comparative Literature" from a "cross-cultural" perspective, thereby developing the possibility of cross-cultural discussion that combines students' research areas. This course will teach the relevant theories and main research approaches of "cross-cultural research" in the discipline of comparative literature. The research approaches to be introduced and discussed through relevant literature include: comparative poetics, genre studies, and thematic studies in parallel studies, as well as origin studies, circulation studies, image studies, and translatology in influence studies. In addition, after introducing the research approach of "world literature", it discusses how to transform new theories and practices through this "cross-cultural research" orientation from the perspective of "world literature" in the ideal of comparative literature. Finally, we discuss the problems that may arise from "cross-cultural" research methods. Since the late Qing Dynasty to the present is the era when Chinese literature and culture are most prosperous, influenced by Japanese, Russian, British and American culture, in addition to some topics involving thematics and comparative poetics, the main texts and discussion aspects discussed in this course can be discussed at the same time. It presents an aspect of the history of modern Chinese literature.

參考書目 Reference Books

Jost, Francois (約斯特,佛朗西斯)《比較文學導論》,廖鴻鈞等譯。長沙市:湖南文藝出版社,1988。
Said, Edward W.(愛德華. 薩依德)《東方主義》,王志弘等譯。台北:立緒,1999。
安德魯.瓊斯(Andrew F. Jones)〈兒童如何變成了歷史的主題:論民國時期發展話語的建構〉《東亞觀念史集刊》5期,2013,53-55+57-84。
衣若芬〈瀟湘八景:東亞共同母題的文化意象〉《東亞觀念史集刊》 6期,2014 ,35+37-55。
李奭學〈刮號的詩學——從吳爾芙的《戴洛維夫人》看白先勇的〈遊園驚夢〉〉《中國文哲研究集刊》 28期,2006,149-170。
李奭學〈祇園傳奇-略論一則佛教母題的演化〉《中外文學》15卷12期, 1987,71-94。
張彣卉〈跨文本主題研究:《圍棋少女》與《紫蝴蝶》之「逆」愛辯證〉《國際文化研究》, 2011, vol.7 ,1-22
梅家玲〈包天笑與清末民初的教育小說〉《中外文學》35(1) ,2006,155-183。
陳碩文〈翻譯異國、想像中國:張若谷譯《中國孤兒》探析〉,《編譯論叢》9:1,2016, 75-100。
楊婉儀〈死亡與超越-從蘇格拉底與莊子生命觀之差異談起〉《應用倫理評論》 59期,2015,51-65
葉維廉〈道家美學、中國詩與美國現代詩(上)〉《中外文學》31卷第7期,2002.12: 143-199。
劉建基〈愛與「癱瘓/麻痺」:論郭松棻〈雪盲〉中的喬伊斯幽靈〉《文化越界》 1(4), 2010,121-134
鄭文惠〈近代中國知識轉型與概念變遷/觀念形塑-觀念史/概念史視域與方法〉《東亞觀念史集刊》 4期,2013,223-302。
鍾振宇〈莊子的「共在」與「共是」-與海德格、鄂蘭的對話〉《漢學研究》,41卷3期,2023, 131–167
藤井省三〈臺灣異國情調文學的敗戰預感-論西川滿〈赤崁記〉〉《中國文哲研究通訊》 7卷4期 ,1997。

The teacher compiled the handouts. The source of the handouts is as follows
Jost, Francois (Jost, Francis) "Introduction to Comparative Literature", translated by Liao Hongjun and others. Changsha City: Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, 1988.
Said, Edward W. "Orientalism", translated by Wang Zhihong and others. Taipei: Lixu, 1999.
Wang Ning "The Relationship between Man and Nature in Chinese and Western Literature", "Comparative Literature and Contemporary Cultural Criticism". Taipei: Hongye. 2002.
Andrew. Andrew F. Jones, "How Children Became the Subject of History: On the Construction of Developmental Discourse during the Republic of China" "The History of East Asian Ideas" Issue 5, 2013, 53-55+57-84.
Yi Ruofen "Eight Scenes of Xiaoxiang: The Cultural Image of Common Motifs in East Asia" "The History of East Asian Concepts" Issue 6, 2014, 35+37-55.
Li Xixue, "The Poetics of Scratching - A Look at Bai Xianyong's "Dreams in the Garden" from Woolf's "Mrs. Dalloway," "Chinese Literature and Philosophy Research Collection" Issue 28, 2006, 149-170.
Li Xixue "The Legend of Qiyuan - A Brief Discussion on the Evolution of a Buddhist Motif" "Chinese and Foreign Literature", Volume 15, Issue 12, 1987, 71-94.
Meng Hua "From Ai Julius to Zhu Ziqing: Travel Notes and the Formation of the Image of Romantic France", "Chinese Comparative Literature", 2006, Issue 1, 1-14
Zhang Yanhui "Research on cross-text themes: "Reverse" love dialectics in "Go Girl" and "Purple Butterfly"> "International Cultural Studies", 2011, vol.7,1-22
Zhang Xingcheng "Orientalist Discourse in Cross-Cultural Practice", "Humanities World", 64-72.
Cao Shunqing, "Manuscript on Cross-Cultural Comparative Poetics", Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2004.
Cao Shunqing and others, "Comparative Literature Theory", Taipei: Yangzhi, 2003.
Mei Jialing, "Bao Tianxiao and the Educational Novels of the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China", Chinese and Foreign Literature 35(1), 2006, 155-183.
Chen Yunyuan "Taiwan Customs, Exoticism and Modernism - Focusing on Yang Chichang's Poems and Poetry Theory" "Journal of Taiwan Literature", Issue 19, 2011, 133-162
Chen Shuowen, "Translating Foreign Countries and Imagining China: An Analysis of Zhang Ruogu's Translation of "Orphans of China"", "Compilation Theory Series" 9:1, 2016, 75-100.
Chen Pengxiang "Thematic Research and Chinese Literature" "Chinese and Foreign Literature", Volume 12, Issue 2, 1983, 66-89.
Yang Wanyi "Death and Transcendence - Starting from the Differences in Socrates' and Zhuangzi's Views on Life" "Applied Ethics Review" Issue 59, 2015, 51-65
William Yeh "Taoist Aesthetics, Chinese Poetry and American Modern Poetry (Part 1)" "Chinese and Foreign Literature", Volume 31, Issue 7, 2002.12: 143-199.
William Yeh "Taoist Aesthetics, Chinese Poetry and American Modern Poetry (Part 2)" "Chinese and Foreign Literature", Volume 31, Issue 8, 2003.01: 253-279.
Liu Jianji "Love and "Paralysis": On the Ghost of Joyce in Guo Songfen's "Snow Blindness"" Cultural Transgression 1(4), 2010, 121-134
Zheng Wenhui "Intellectual Transformation and Conceptual Change in Modern China/Idea Shaping - History of Concepts/Perspectives and Methods of Concept History" "East Asian Concept History Collection" Issue 4, 2013, 223-302.
Xie Xiaomei "After Cross-Cultural: From "Olanduo" to "Meng Xiaodong" "Drama Research" > Issue 10, 2012, 139-162.
Zhong Zhenyu "Zhuangzi's "Total Being" and "Total Being" - Dialogue with Heidegger and Oran" Sinological Studies, Volume 41, Issue 3, 2023, 131–167
Shozo Fujii "Premonition of Defeat in Taiwan's Exotic Literature - On Nishikawa Manchu's "Red Kan Chronicles"" Chinese Literature and Philosophy Research Newsletter, Volume 7, Issue 4, 1997.

評分方式 Grading

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Final report
60 8000~10000字
Discussion in class
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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7[H534]
授課教師 Teacher:朱衣仙
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
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