course information of 112 - 2 | 3879 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature(中文:文學欣賞與實用)

3879 - 中文:文學欣賞與實用 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature

教育目標 Course Target

■ 課程目標及內涵 (Course Objectives and Contents) 1. 以文學實用/應用為課程主軸。 2. 以經典文學結合個人生命議題,回歸個人生命的思考。 3. 以經典文學為引子,結合現實生活,落實生活實踐,提升人文素養。 以經典文學為核心,從閱讀出發,以分組討論、上台分享的方法,訓練學生的溝通表達技巧。 ■ Course Objectives and Contents 1. Take the practical/application of literature as the main focus of the course. 2. Combine classic literature with personal life issues and return to thinking about personal life. 3. Use classic literature as an introduction, combine it with real life, implement life practice, and improve humanistic qualities. With classic literature as the core, starting from reading, students' communication and expression skills are trained through group discussions and sharing on stage.

參考書目 Reference Books


Yang Mu's "Collected Prose of Ye Shan"
Yang Mu's "First Letter to Qilai" and "Second Letter to Qilai"
Jiang Xun's "Great Beauty in Heaven and Earth"
Jiang Xun's "Briefly Literature"
Zhang Ailing's "Selected Short Stories", "Rumors" and "Lust, Caution"
"Facing" by Chen Junhong
"Fireworks Hotel" by Xu Zhengping
"Flowers in Bloom: Selections from Modern and Contemporary Literature"
"A Group of Wives and Concubines" by Su Tong
Sima Qian's "Historical Records: Biography of Boyi"
"Letter from a Strange Woman"
"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
term report
20 學期報告
normal grades
50 含出席與課堂表現、課堂討論單與即席小考
final exam
30 期末考試
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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9[C113]
授課教師 Teacher:洪英雪
修課班級 Class:社科院,法學院1
選課備註 Memo:日間部社科院、法學院一年級優先,上期期末總成績達50分以上方可續修下期

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 73 人。

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