course information of 112 - 2 | 2170 Seminar(專題討論)

2170 - 專題討論 Seminar

教育目標 Course Target

指導學生資料搜尋、選定報告題目、閱讀文獻方法、撰寫報告等,以訓練學生上台報告的能力為主,包括服裝儀容、資料整理、投影片製作、時間管控、台風展現、口語表達技巧、圖表解說以及問題回答等Instruct students to search for information, select report topics, read literature methods, write reports, etc., mainly to train students' ability to report on stage, including clothing and appearance, data organization, slide production, time management, typhoon presentation, oral expression skills, chart explanations and answer questions, etc.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is a seminar-based introduction to research for students in the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) MA Program in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature. It is designed to encourage a research culture among faculty and MA students in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature through sharing research ideas or results in each class. Sessions will be offered either (1) by scholars who will present recent research studies and discuss them with the audience, or (2) by those MA students who either have proposed/will propose their thesis work , or have defended/will defend their completed thesis work. Students in the course will be exposed to different research ideas and methodologies. The main goals of the present course are: 1) to give students an idea of what research is like and what the process looks like/how it is done; 2) to help students orient themselves to
This course is a-based introduction to research for students in the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) MA Program in the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Literature. It is designed to encourage a research culture among faculty and MA students in the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Literature through sharing research ideas or results in each class. Sessions will be offered either (1) by scholars who will present recent research studies and discuss them with the audience, or (2) by those MA students who either have proposed /will propose their thesis work, or have defended/will defend their completed thesis work. Students in the course will be exposed to different research ideas and methodologies. The main goals of the present course are: 1) to give students an idea of ​​what research is like and what the process looks like/how it is done; 2) to help students orient themselves to

參考書目 Reference Books

Anal. Biochem.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com.
Exp. Cell Res.
J. of Food Science
Process Biochemistry
J.of Agriculture and Food Chemistry
Food Chemistry

Anal. Biochem.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com.
Exp. Cell Res.
J. of Food Science
Process Biochemistry
J.of Agriculture and Food Chemistry
Food Chemistry

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Report and answer on stage
60 講前準備18%, 演講呈現30%, 應答12%
course participation
30 提問問題與參與討論25%及引言主持5% (其中 提問6次可得15%,每增加一次提問加2%, 最多可得25%,提問4-5次可得12%;3次(含)以 下以0分計)
Attitude in class
10 準時上下課、不從事與此課程不相關之活動等 (曠課達3次,學期成績以0分計;遲到2次視同 曠課1次)
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必修-7171 Seminar (II) / 專題討論(二) (景觀碩1,授課教師:黃章展/鄒君瑋/黃宜瑜/秦嘉遠/吳佩玲/許和捷/何立智/原友蘭/李麗雪,二/3[LA001])
必修-7172 Seminar (IV) / 專題討論(四) (景觀碩2,授課教師:黃章展/鄒君瑋/黃宜瑜/秦嘉遠/吳佩玲/許和捷/何立智/原友蘭/李麗雪,二/4[LA001])
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-1
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/7,8[AG106]
授課教師 Teacher:江文德
修課班級 Class:食科系3
選課備註 Memo:一人只能選一班專討,選修者第 9堂勿選其他課程。

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 19 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 19 人。

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