course information of 112 - 2 | 0372 Buddhist Ethics(善與義務:佛教倫理學)

0372 - 善與義務:佛教倫理學 Buddhist Ethics

教育目標 Course Target

此課程歡迎任何對佛教哲學及當代倫理議題有興趣的學員一起來參與。課程前半段主要集中介紹佛教基本倫理思想,如因果業報、戒律等;課程後期將會展示當代重要的倫理學議題及正反雙方觀點,例如素食、安樂死、墮胎等;並且提供佛教思想對於這些倫理議題的立場及理由。試圖讓參與學員以思辯、理性、寬容的態度來討論佛教當前所面臨的諸多倫理課題之挑戰。This course welcomes any student who is interested in Buddhist philosophy and contemporary ethical issues to join. The first half of the course mainly focuses on introducing basic Buddhist ethical thoughts, such as cause and effect, karma, precepts, etc.; later in the course, important contemporary ethical issues and pros and cons will be presented, such as vegetarianism, euthanasia, abortion, etc.; and the Buddhist thoughts on these ethics will be presented. Position and reasons for the issue. It attempts to allow participating students to discuss the many ethical challenges currently facing Buddhism in a thoughtful, rational and tolerant manner.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Peter Harvey, An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values, and Issues,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.(中譯:彼得‧哈維,2012。《佛教倫理學導論︰基礎、價值與問題》(上下冊),李建欣、周廣榮譯。上海:上海古籍出版社。)
3.R. H. Hersh, D. P. Paolitto, J. Reimer,《郭爾保:道德判斷的發展》。單文經、汪履維(編譯),《道德發展與教學》,台北:五南圖書出版公司,1986年。頁45至86。
4.Yale Kamisar,〈反對安樂死合法化〉。參見,波伊曼編著,《解構死亡-死亡、自殺、安樂死與死刑的剖析》,魏德驥等譯,台北:桂冠出版社,1997年。頁151至166。
5.Glanville Williams,〈贊成安樂死合法化:一個答辯〉。參見,波伊曼編著,《解構死亡》,頁167至177。
6.Mary Brabeck,〈道德導向:對於男人和女人的另一種看法〉,馬克林、諾爾士(編),《道德發展心理學》,方能御(譯),台北:台灣商務出版社,1993年。頁77至109。
7.Baruch Brody,〈反對墮胎的絕對權利〉。參見,波伊曼編著,《生死的抉擇-基本倫理學與墮胎》,楊植勝等譯,台北:桂冠出版社,1997年。頁161至176。
8.Mary Anne Warren,〈贊成墮胎的人格論證〉。參見,波伊曼編著,《生死的抉擇》,頁177至189。
10.Peter Singer,〈所有的動物都是平等的〉。波伊曼(編著),《為動物說話-動物權利的爭議》,張忠宏等譯,台北:桂冠圖書公司,1997。頁27至47。
11.Mary Anne Warren,〈強動物權利立場的困難〉。波伊曼(編著),《為動物說話》,頁113至127。

1. Peter Harvey, An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values, and Issues, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. (Chinese Translation: Peter Harvey, 2012. "Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values, and Issues" ( Volumes 1 and 2), translated by Li Jianxin and Zhou Guangrong. Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House. 2. Yan Weihong, 2013. "On "Patience" and "Tolerance" in Buddhist Ethics: Taking the Case of "Ananda Being Blamed" as a Clue", "Jie Chang", 24, pp101-139.
3. R. H. Hersh, D. P. Paolitto, J. Reimer, "Golpa: The Development of Moral Judgment." Shan Wenjing and Wang Luwei (compilers), "Moral Development and Teaching", Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Company, 1986. Pages 45 to 86.
4. Yale Kamisar, "Opposition to Legalizing Euthanasia". See, Boyman, ed., "Deconstructing Death - An Analysis of Death, Suicide, Euthanasia and Death Penalty", translated by Wei Deji et al., Taipei: Laurel Publishing House, 1997. Pages 151 to 166.
5. Glanville Williams, "In favor of legalizing euthanasia: a reply". See, Poijman (ed.), Deconstructing Death, pp. 167-177.
6.Mary Brabeck, "Moral Orientation: Another View of Men and Women", Marklin and Knowles (eds.), "Psychology of Moral Development", Fang Nengyu (translation), Taipei: Taiwan Business Press, 1993 Year. Pages 77 to 109.
7. Baruch Brody, "The Absolute Right Against Abortion." See, Boyman, ed., "The Choice of Life and Death - Basic Ethics and Abortion", translated by Yang Zhisheng et al., Taipei: Laurel Publishing House, 1997. Pages 161 to 176.
8. Mary Anne Warren, "The Personality Argument for Abortion." See, Boyman (ed.), Choices Between Life and Death, pp. 177-189.
9.Adam. Smith, "A Study into the Nature and Causes of National Wealth", translated by Guo Dali and Wang Yanan, Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1988. Pages 1 to 58.
10. Peter Singer, "All animals are equal". Boyman (editor), "Speaking for Animals - The Controversy over Animal Rights", translated by Zhang Zhonghong et al., Taipei: Laurel Books, 1997. Pages 27 to 47.
11.Mary Anne Warren, "The Difficulties of Taking a Strong Animal Rights Position". Boyman (ed.), Speaking for Animals, pp. 113-127.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
Group report debate
Participate in class discussions
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學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[H105]
授課教師 Teacher:楊得煜
修課班級 Class:哲學系1-4
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