course information of 112 - 2 | 0369 Selections from Primary Buddhist Philosophical Texts: Indian(原典:佛教哲學原典選讀-印度篇)

0369 - 原典:佛教哲學原典選讀-印度篇 Selections from Primary Buddhist Philosophical Texts: Indian

教育目標 Course Target

此課程重點在於引導同學閱讀印度佛教哲學重要文獻。眾所周知,「無我」、「一切存在是空的」、「唯識所現」等,作為佛教重要主張之一,課程中將會分析這些重要概念為何會被提出以及如何被論證。並且,在這樣主張下,也會牽涉到佛教如何回應諸多哲學性的議題,例如,1.「自我」意識,在現實經驗上,在真實不過。如果佛教主張「無我」,沒有一個永恆不變的認識主體,那麼認識活動如何可能?過去行為活動如何被保留下來並影響到未來的我?2.如果主張「一切存在都是空」,那麼在現實中所經驗到的電腦、車子等又如何解釋?3.科學家告訴我們,世界由基本粒子所組成,如果主張「唯識所現」,那麼佛教如何回應當前的主流觀點?此課程將展示印度佛教內部對於諸多哲學問題之論爭。This course focuses on guiding students to read important texts on Indian Buddhist philosophy. As we all know, "no self", "all existence is empty", "only consciousness appears", etc. are one of the important propositions of Buddhism. The course will analyze why these important concepts are proposed and how they are demonstrated. Moreover, such a claim will also involve how Buddhism responds to many philosophical issues, such as, 1. "Self" consciousness is not real in terms of real experience. If Buddhism advocates "no-self" and does not have an eternal cognitive subject, how can cognitive activities be possible? How are past behaviors preserved and affecting me in the future? 2. If it is claimed that "all existence is empty", then how to explain the computers, cars, etc. experienced in reality? 3. Scientists tell us that the world is composed of basic particles. If we advocate "consciousness only", then how does Buddhism respond to the current mainstream view? This course will showcase the debates within Indian Buddhism on many philosophical issues.

參考書目 Reference Books


Siderits, Mark and Katsura Shoryu 桂紹隆, 2013. Nāgārjuna’s Middle Way. Somerville, M.A.: Wisdom Publications. (中譯:方怡蓉譯,《解讀龍樹菩薩《中論》27道題》。台北市:橡實文化)

Main reading documents:
"Middle Theory", "Taisho Zang" Volume 30
"Reply to Commentary", "Taisho Zang" Volume 32
"Twenty Treatises on Consciousness Only", "Taisho Zang" Volume 31
"Treatise on Observation of Objects", "Taisho Zang" Volume 31
"Nirvana Sutra", "Taisho Zang" Volume 12

Siderits, Mark and Katsura Shoryu Gui Shaolong, 2013. Nāgārjuna's Middle Way. Somerville, M.A.: Wisdom Publications. (Chinese translation: Fang Yirong, "Interpretation of 27 Questions in Nagarjuna's Middle Way". Taipei City: Acorn Culture)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Daily homework
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[H106]
授課教師 Teacher:楊得煜
修課班級 Class:哲學系1-4
選課備註 Memo:中哲

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