course information of 112 - 2 | 0367 Introduction to The Politics of Aristotle(原典:亞里斯多德《政治學》導讀)

0367 - 原典:亞里斯多德《政治學》導讀 Introduction to The Politics of Aristotle

教育目標 Course Target

亞里斯多德在《尼各馬可倫理學》授課研討中,一路窮盡了關於在世生活種種德行的討論,最後向上攀升到超凡入聖的德性,也就是不假外物、無需他人的理智沉思之幸福,接著話鋒一轉拋出了一個問題:個人的完善與共同體的完善是否相關?尤其是奉獻給真理的哲人是否可能在任何政治體制之中都能保持泰然、達到自我完善?這是個恆常性的問題,也是哲人不得不思考的自身處境與普遍人類境況之問題。唯有那些心智上已經準備好的、並有一定的生命經驗甚至政治歷練的人才有成熟的條件來探索政治問題。所以,學習《政治學》是使哲學心靈邁向成熟的必要訓練。從另一個脈絡來看,亞里斯多德的《政治學》也是古典政治思想的高峰與集大成。當城邦政治發展到一定的成熟,希臘人對於諸城邦彼此之間的政體差異以及對於非希臘國家的政治性質表現出高度的好奇與敏銳,這在人類思想上是相當難得的,這發展出對政治的本質性探問以及比較政體的視野與方法,而《政治學》又是這種研究的總結。本課程就是要透過《政治學》的研讀,來層層觀察、推敲、思考、論證亞里斯多德所能見到的種種政治問題,並把這種思辨能力推展到亞里斯多德未能見到的後世與當代的政治問題。In his lectures and discussions on "Nicomachean Ethics", Aristotle exhausted the discussion of various virtues in worldly life, and finally climbed up to the transcendent and holy virtues, that is, without any external objects and without the intellectual contemplation of others. Happiness, then the topic changed and raised a question: Is personal perfection related to the perfection of the community? In particular, is it possible for a philosopher dedicated to the truth to remain calm and achieve self-improvement in any political system? This is a constant The issue of sex is also an issue that philosophers have to think about their own situation and the general human condition. Only those who are mentally prepared and have certain life experience and even political experience have the mature conditions to explore political issues. Therefore, studying "Politics" is a necessary training for the philosophical mind to mature. From another perspective, Aristotle’s Politics is also the pinnacle and culmination of classical political thought. When city-state politics developed to a certain maturity, the Greeks showed a high degree of curiosity and sensitivity about the differences in political systems between city-states and about the political nature of non-Greek countries. This is quite rare in human thought, and this developed a sense of understanding. Inquiry into the essential nature of politics and the perspective and method of comparing political systems, and "Politics" is the summary of this research. This course is to use the study of "Politics" to observe, deliberate, think, and demonstrate various political issues that Aristotle could see, and to extend this thinking ability to those that Aristotle could not see. Later and contemporary political issues.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 亞里斯多德《政治學》,無彭壽 譯,北京:商務印書館,1995
2. 巴克(Sir Ernest Barker) 《希臘政治理論-柏拉圖及其前人》,盧華萍 譯,吉林人民出版社,2003
3. The Politics of Aristotle, translated by Sir Ernest Barker, Oxford University Press, 2009.
4. The Politics of Aristotle, edited by W. L. Newman, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1887.

1. Aristotle's "Politics", translated by Wu Peng Shou, Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1995
2. Sir Ernest Barker, "Greek Political Theory - Plato and His Predecessors", translated by Lu Huaping, Jilin People's Publishing House, 2003
3. The Politics of Aristotle, translated by Sir Ernest Barker, Oxford University Press, 2009.
4. The Politics of Aristotle, edited by W. L. Newman, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1887.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Questions and speeches in class
Attendance rate
Final report
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[H122]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡翔任
修課班級 Class:哲學系1-4
選課備註 Memo:西哲

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目前選課人數為 48 人。

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