course information of 112 - 2 | 0365 Design of the Graduation Project in Philosophy(哲學專題設計)

0365 - 哲學專題設計 Design of the Graduation Project in Philosophy

教育目標 Course Target

本課程「哲學專題設計」旨在跳脫哲學系學生常見以學術論文撰寫來作為畢業專題的想像,而是透過哲學思辨文章撰寫、口頭演說、Podcast或影片錄製、劇本與繪本、桌遊設計等多元化的表達手法,將哲學理論或思辨技巧應用在對於社會現實議題與問題的解決上。因此本課程期待學生能夠: 1.思考如何將相關哲學概念與理論運用在實際生活情境中。 2.發展跨媒介的溝通技巧,提升在多種平台上呈現哲學觀點的能力。 3.培養創意思維,將哲學思辨融入創新實踐與社會參與中。 4.提升公共演說和表達的技巧,增進自我表現及說服他人的能力。 5.透過實際操作和項目執行,鍛煉項目管理和行銷的實戰技能。 6.強化英文溝通和簡報技巧,為國際舞台上的交流做準備。 7.以哲學劇本、繪本或小說創作、桌遊設計等,開發學生的創造力與培養實作能力。This course "Philosophical Topic Design" aims to break away from the common imagination of philosophy students to write academic papers as their graduation topics, and instead use philosophical thinking article writing, oral speeches, podcast or video recording, scripts and picture books, board game design, etc. Diversified expression techniques apply philosophical theories or speculative skills to solve social reality issues and problems. Therefore, this course expects students to be able to: 1. Think about how to apply relevant philosophical concepts and theories to real life situations. 2. Develop cross-media communication skills and improve the ability to present philosophical views on multiple platforms. 3. Cultivate creative thinking and integrate philosophical thinking into innovative practice and social participation. 4. Improve public speaking and expression skills, enhance self-expression and ability to persuade others. 5. Through practical operations and project execution, practice project management and marketing skills. 6. Strengthen English communication and presentation skills to prepare for communication on the international stage. 7. Use philosophical scripts, picture book or novel creation, board game design, etc. to develop students’ creativity and practice abilities.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is a preparatory course for the "Graduation Project" of the senior year. In addition to introducing the proposal design and possible presentation methods of the graduation project, it also focuses on the introduction and application of multimedia software.

參考書目 Reference Books

Self-compiled handouts or provided by invited foreign guests.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class participation
50 除了第1週出席將獲得總分2分外,其餘16週每週出席將獲得總分3分。
Mid-term assignment_Draft of possible themes and methods for future graduation works
10 初步構想,不限一個提案。
Final assignment_Graduation project plan
20 內容應包含:a.探討問題/議題說明,至少1千字、b.問題/議題的背景說明、c.作品呈現方式、d.預期困難的事前評估、e.製作作品之時程安排與規劃。
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[H206]
授課教師 Teacher:甘偵蓉
修課班級 Class:哲學系3
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選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 49 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 49 人。

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