course information of 112 - 2 | 0314 Beginners Simultaneous Interpretation by Whispering(日語口譯)

0314 - 日語口譯 Beginners Simultaneous Interpretation by Whispering

教育目標 Course Target

本學期目標: 1.承接上學期加強口譯技巧練習 2.跟讀、視譯、逐步口譯練習(中日、日中),並加強日語敬語使用能力 3.透過聽寫、跟讀練習增加日文詞彙、句型、常套句,熟悉並練習產出較正式日文用法 4.承接日語上學及加強日翻中、中翻日時產出適切中文、日文之練習以及臨場反應能力 5.期以產品、服務介紹、知識性、時事等練習主題拓展多方面領域知識培養日中、中日雙向口譯能力Goals for this semester: 1. Carrying on the practice of strengthening interpretation skills from last semester 2. Follow-up reading, sight translation, step-by-step oral interpretation practice (Chinese-Japanese, Japanese-Chinese), and strengthen the ability to use Japanese honorifics 3. Increase Japanese vocabulary, sentence patterns, and common sentences through dictation and reading exercises, and become familiar with and practice more formal Japanese usage. 4. Undertake Japanese language schooling and strengthen daily translation, intermediate translation daily production, appropriate Chinese and Japanese practice, and on-the-spot reaction ability 5. The aim is to expand knowledge in various fields and cultivate Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-Japanese two-way interpretation skills through practice topics such as product and service introduction, knowledge, and current affairs.

課程概述 Course Description

This course allows students to understand the language differences between Chinese and Japanese to increase the speed of language switching between the two. The educational goals focus on developing students' Taiwanese and Japanese multicultural communication skills and their ability to discover and solve problems such as emergencies, cultural differences, language similarities and differences, and lack of knowledge during interpretation. Improve your interpretation skills by learning basic interpretation skills and practicing sight translation and step-by-step interpretation.

參考書目 Reference Books

何月華、林雅芬(2018)日語口譯實況演練(附MP3 CD一片)鴻儒堂
He Yuehua and Lin Yafen (2018) Japanese Interpretation Live Practice (with MP3 CD) Hongrutang
Compiled by Yang Chengshu (2009) "Introduction to Chinese-Japanese Interpretation" Zhiliang Publishing House
Tsukamoto Keiichi (2003) "Chinese Language Taught" Overhaul
Su Dingdong (2009) "Introductory Classroom for Chinese-Japanese Interpreting Step by Step" Hongrutang
Tamiko Kanzaki, Yuko Toba (2016) "Lecture on Chinese Language and Literature - One by one, and one at a time" Oriental Bookstore

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
25 不定期點名,點名未到此項目扣5%,扣至零分為止。
class participation
midterm exam
final exam
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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[HT302]
授課教師 Teacher:葉懿萱
修課班級 Class:日文系1-4
選課備註 Memo:II類。本課程以大四修習為佳。

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 22 人。

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