course information of 112 - 2 | 0300 Society and Enterprise(社會與企業)

0300 - 社會與企業 Society and Enterprise

教育目標 Course Target

本課程利用多語言(中文、日文、英文影片中文字幕)素材進行課程的學習。 在課堂中藉由企業營運的個案等來思考在快速變動全球化社會型態裡,企業對社會、環境的影響、並且資本主義的影響下,金錢的功能與問題等議題。 整學期課程中不斷反覆確認自己在全球化生產鏈下的基點,認知與思考企業與自己永續生存的生活方式。 並且利用課後時間與愛知大學學生做線上交流 This course uses multi-language (Chinese, Japanese, English videos with Chinese subtitles) materials for course learning. In the classroom, we use cases of corporate operations to think about issues such as the impact of corporations on society and the environment in the rapidly changing global society, as well as the functions and problems of money under the influence of capitalism. Throughout the semester, I have repeatedly confirmed my starting point in the global production chain, and understood and thought about the company and my own sustainable lifestyle. And use after-class time to communicate online with Aichi University students

參考書目 Reference Books

2.河邑厚徳、グループ現代(2011)『エンデの遺言--根源からお金を問うこと』講談社α文庫 及びNHKテレビ特集
3.高見智子『ビジネスケースで学ぶ日本語』The Japan Times
4.Cyrill Dion(2017)『找尋明天的答案:飲食*能源*經濟*民主*教育,解決人類未來生存危機的全球踏查之旅』
5.紀錄片『Food inc(フード・インク)』『Tomorrow (明日進行曲)』『沃爾瑪:低價的代價』
1. Tsurumi Rui (2012) "Declaration of Decapitalism - グローバル経済が色む木らし" Shinchosha
2. Kawaichi Hotoku, Kodansha Hyundai (2011) "The Last Words of the Last Words of the Root - The Root of Gold" Kodansha Alpha Library and NHK Telegraph Special Collection
3. Tomoko Takami "ビジネスケースで学ぶ日本语" The Japan Times
4.Cyrill Dion(2017) "Looking for the answer to tomorrow: Food * Energy * Economy * Democracy * Education, a global investigation journey to solve the crisis of human future survival"
5. Documentaries "Food inc (フード・インク)" "Tomorrow (Tomorrow's March)" "Wal-Mart: The Price of Low Prices"
6. Articles, TV reports, news reports, etc. related to the issue

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Personal class participation
45 作業繳交、出席
group class discussion
25 小組作業、討論參與度
Group presentation
20 作品內容、發表表現
10 反思日誌與報告
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[C203]
授課教師 Teacher:張瑜珊
修課班級 Class:日文系1-4
選課備註 Memo:I 類。本課程以大三修習為佳。

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 45 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 45 人。

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