course information of 112 - 2 | 0220 Family History: a Link between Tradition and Modern Society(家族史:傳統與現代的連結)

0220 - 家族史:傳統與現代的連結 Family History: a Link between Tradition and Modern Society

教育目標 Course Target

宗族可說是華人家族的一大特色,宗族的基礎來自家族,傳統中國的家族概念亦有其獨特之處。本課程的目的在於帶領修習者探討傳統中國的家族與社會的發展,藉由講授家族的基礎概念、家族延續、女性與家族、宗族組織等課題,與第一手史料的閱讀與討論,增進修習者的對於該課題的認識與理解。理解傳統家族與宗族課題的同時,修習者亦必須進行自我家族歷史的建構與寫作, 試圖連結自我家族的傳統與現代。Clan can be said to be a major feature of Chinese families. The foundation of a clan comes from the family. The traditional Chinese family concept also has its own unique features. The purpose of this course is to lead practitioners to explore the development of families and society in traditional China, by teaching the basic concepts of family, family continuity, women and families, clan organization and other topics, as well as reading and discussing first-hand historical materials to enhance their practice. the reader’s knowledge and understanding of the subject. While understanding traditional family and clan issues, practitioners must also construct and write their own family history, trying to connect their family's tradition and modernity.

課程概述 Course Description

宗族可說是華人家族的一大特色,宗族的基礎來自家族,傳統中國的家族概念亦有其獨特之處。本課程的目的在於帶領修習者探討傳統中國的家族與社會的發展,藉由講授家族的基礎概念、家族延續、女性與家族、宗族組織等課題,與第一手史料的閱讀與討論,增進修習者的對於該課題的認識與理解。理解傳統家族與宗族課題的同時,修習者亦必須進行自我家族歷史的建構與寫作, 試圖連結自我家族的傳統與現代。
Clan can be said to be a major feature of Chinese families. The foundation of a clan comes from the family. The traditional Chinese family concept also has its own unique features. The purpose of this course is to lead practitioners to explore the development of families and society in traditional China, by teaching the basic concepts of family, family continuity, women and families, clan organization and other topics, as well as reading and discussing first-hand historical materials to enhance their practice. the reader’s knowledge and understanding of the subject. While understanding traditional family and clan issues, practitioners must also construct and write their own family history, trying to connect their family's tradition and modernity.

參考書目 Reference Books

陳其南 《家族與社會──臺灣和中國社會研究的基礎理念》,聯經出版事業公司 1991。

Chen Qinan, "Family and Society - Basic Concepts in Social Research in Taiwan and China", Lianjing Publishing Company, 1991.
"Principles of Chinese Family Law" written by Shuzo Shiga and translated by Zhang Jianguo and Li Li, Law Press, 2002.
Feng Erkang, "Clan and Ancestral Hall in Ancient China", Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998.
Lai Xinxia and Xu Jianhua, "Chronology and Genealogy of China", Taiwan Commercial Press, 1994.
"Clan Organization in Southeast China" written by Morris Friedman and translated by Liu Xiaochun, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2000.
Taga Akigoro "Research on Chinese Genealogy", Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1981.
"An Examination of China's National Property System" written by Shengguang Qingshui and translated by Song Nianci, Publishing Department of China Culture University, 1986.
Toru Inoue, "Clan and National Rituals in China - An Analysis from the Perspective of Patriarchalism", Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2008.
Masahisa Segawa, "Genealogy: Clan, Feng Shui, and Migration of the Han in South China", Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 1999.
Masahisa Segawa, "Anthropology of Chinese Society - Prospects of Kindred and Family", World Thought Society, 2004.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Constructing and writing family history
final exam
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8,9[H305]
授課教師 Teacher:翁育瑄
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:史學、方法與應用領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。

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目前選課人數為 24 人。

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