course information of 112 - 2 | 0213 World Geography(世界地理)

0213 - 世界地理 World Geography

教育目標 Course Target

  課程以地理學門的觀點來看人與環境(氣候、地形、生物等)關係、社會活動等地表環境上的現象,並非講授地球分區後的系統化通盤分析,而是以議題引導方式來進行地理學問的傳授。希冀使學習者在中等教育的世界地理基礎知識擁有後,能有更為學術專業上、世界議題上的地理研討能力。   課程之初先是以總論的方式講授地理學門的視野,包含人文與自然的系統地理學、地圖學以及地誌學/區域地理學的基礎概念與知識。在此部分的學習上是以實際的空間來作解析說明,尤其以台灣除外的世界其他區位。待基礎的總論學習完畢後,課程便會進入議題式教學,包含人類文化、歷史區域、產業經濟、社會族群、都市環境、國際政治等主題,藉此培養學習者的世界地理觀察能力與地理涵養。   本課程主要使學習者具有學理上的視野與分析概念,進而瞭解各地域的特性或相互關係。亦即學生在掌握了系統地理的基本理論和知識後,再專研引導至區域分析、區域對比等綜合的區域研究方法,以人地關係為出發點,理解不同等級、不同層次的自然和人文社會地域系統的形成、發展及其規律以及它們相互間的關係。 The course looks at the relationship between humans and the environment (climate, topography, biology, etc.), social activities and other phenomena on the surface environment from the perspective of geography. It does not teach a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the earth's partitions, but is conducted in an issue-guided manner. The teaching of geographical knowledge. It is hoped that after acquiring the basic knowledge of world geography in secondary education, learners will be able to develop geographic research abilities in academic professions and world issues. At the beginning of the course, the perspective of geography is taught in the form of a general introduction, including basic concepts and knowledge of human and natural systematic geography, cartography, and topography/regional geography. In this part of the study, the actual space is used for analysis and explanation, especially other locations in the world except Taiwan. After the basic general study is completed, the course will enter topic-based teaching, including topics such as human culture, historical regions, industrial economy, social ethnic groups, urban environment, international politics, etc., in order to cultivate learners' world geographical observation abilities and geography. Self-restraint. This course mainly enables learners to have academic vision and analytical concepts, and then understand the characteristics or interrelationships of various regions. That is to say, after students have mastered the basic theories and knowledge of systematic geography, they will then specialize in comprehensive regional research methods such as regional analysis and regional comparison, taking the relationship between man and land as the starting point to understand nature and human society at different levels and levels. The formation, development and laws of regional systems and their mutual relationships.

課程概述 Course Description

World geography is taught in a general way, that is, the geographical divisions of natural terrain, climate and humanities. The content is generally introduced in a schematic and systematic geographical way. After the basic general study is completed, the course will enter topic-based teaching, including topics such as art and culture, social culture, social economy, national culture, history and culture, international politics, etc., in order to cultivate learners' world geographical observation abilities and geography. Self-restraint.

參考書目 Reference Books

《Introduction to Geography》(New York、McGraw-Hill:2011)
『村瀬のゼロからわかる地理B 系統地理編』(東京、学研プラス:2019)
『新詳資料 地理の研究』(東京、帝国書院:2019)
『今がわかる時代がわかる 世界地図2019年版』(東京、成美堂:2019)
《圖解地緣政治 主權、資源與戰爭》(台北、十方:2017)
『2019‐20年度版 図解 いちばんやさしい地政学の本』(東京、彩図社:2019)
『世界地誌シリーズ4 アメリカ』(東京、朝倉書店:2011)

1.Basics of geography
"Introduction to Geography" (New York, McGraw-Hill: 2011)
"Introduction to Modern Geography" (Tokyo, Kokin Shoin: 2016)
"Muraze Nobuhiro Geography B Systematic Geography" (Tokyo, Gakken University: 2019)
"New detailed information: Geographic research" (Tokyo, Imperial College: 2019)
"Cultural Geography" (Taipei, Juliu: 2003)
"Urban Geography" (Taipei, Sanmin: 2013)
2. Cartography
"The current era of the world, 2019 edition" (Tokyo, Narumido: 2019)
『地図とデータで见るEMMIGRATIONの世界ハンドブック』 (Tokyo, Hara Shobo: 2019)
"地図を回すとこれからの世が见えてくる" (Tokyo, Ayashasha: 2019)
3. Historical geography
"History of the World of Sugar" (Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten: 2013)
"Patriotism" (Tokyo, Kodansha: 2011)
"The World History of Sugar" (Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten: 2013)
"バナナと日本人" (Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten: 1982)
4. Political geography
"Illustrating Geopolitics: Sovereignty, Resources and War" (Taipei, Shifang: 2017)
"The 2019-20 edition of the Japanese version of the Land Government" (Tokyo, Ayashasha: 2019)
"Education and Knowledge" (Tokyo, Namisha: 2018)
"World Geographical Chronicles 4 Amarika" (Tokyo, Asakura Shoten: 2011)
"Study of world history!" "Geography" (Tokyo, Cheongdensha: 2015)
"Japanese Geography of the East" (Tokyo, Wukong Publishing: 2019)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance status
midterm exam
final exam
Class participation performance
Final report
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[H105]
授課教師 Teacher:陳穎禎
修課班級 Class:歷史系1-4
選課備註 Memo:世界史領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。

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目前選課人數為 51 人。

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