course information of 112 - 2 | 0206 History of Chinese Popular Religion(中國民間宗教史)

0206 - 中國民間宗教史 History of Chinese Popular Religion

教育目標 Course Target

源於西方宗教學分類的「民間宗教」(Folk religion / Popular religion),這樣的詞彙其實是充滿爭議與岐義;有的學者認為它應包括民間通俗信仰與民間宗教結社,有的則認為民間宗教和民間信仰分屬於兩種不同類別;在中國歷代王朝民間宗教常常被視為是具有異端等負面的意義。相較於「三教」之外,「民間宗教」似乎更能體現與說明具有「混沌」、擴散的中國和台灣民眾宗教世界的特色。可是,民間宗教是學術界定義下的名詞,並不是過去歷史、現實的運用詞彙,而是為了現在研究與表述的便利所建構出來的。這種論述常具有二元對立的意味:官方/非官方、庶民/精英、理性/非理性……)。柯若樸(Philip Clart)曾指出:中國宗教研究上並不需要此種二元思維的本質架構來做為先驗的存在。我們 認為這種觀點同樣適用於未來的中國民間宗教研究。 民間宗教做為專業性的「學科」話語其時間畢竟不長,不過是近五十年左右的事,而其研究範式則卻屢經更迭。1949年以來兩岸政治上的分隔,同時也在宗教的場域中造成很大的改變與影響。二十世紀初以來,中國興起了一波以各類救贖團體為主體的宗教運動;它大致可以分成兩類,一、是具歷史教派性格的民間教門如一貫道,或是河北等地流傳的黃天道;二、則是清中葉以來在中國各處所興設的乩壇,以及由此蛻變而來的大型教團組織。這個宗教運動帶有末劫救世色彩,在儒學振興、社會救濟、生命醫療乃至近代中國社會中各個階層間造成相當大的影響;1949年之後,其中的道院、紅卍字會、一貫道、同善社紛紛轉至台灣、香港發展;一貫道並以此地為據點,稍後隨著移民與台商的腳步逐步向世界擴散而成為世界性宗教。杜贊奇(Prasenjit Duara)曾根據滿鐵調查中國華北農村的資料告訴我們:現代國家與民間宗教所可能產生的衝突;民間宗教可以視之為中國民間文化與團體生活,乃至鄉土社會中最根本性的層面。除了上述近代的重要現象外,中國民間宗教的發展可說是相當的活躍,也可以從不同的路徑切入中國史。本課程採較寬鬆的解釋,依專題講授。 "Folk religion/Popular religion" originates from the classification of Western religions. Such terms are actually full of controversy and ambiguity; some scholars believe that it should include folk popular beliefs and folk religious associations, while others believe that folk religion Religion and folk belief belong to two different categories; in the past dynasties of China, folk religion was often regarded as having negative connotations such as heresy. Compared with the "three religions", "folk religion" seems to be better able to reflect and explain the characteristics of the "chaotic" and diffuse popular religious world in China and Taiwan. However, folk religion is a noun defined by academic circles. It is not a vocabulary used in history and reality in the past, but was constructed for the convenience of current research and expression. This kind of discussion often implies binary oppositions: official/unofficial, common people/elites, rational/irrational...). Philip Clart once pointed out: The study of Chinese religion does not need this essential structure of dualistic thinking as a transcendental existence. We believe that this perspective is also applicable to future research on Chinese folk religion. After all, folk religion has only been a professional "discipline" for a short period of time, only about fifty years ago, but its research paradigm has changed many times. The political separation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait since 1949 has also caused great changes and impacts in the religious field. Since the beginning of the 20th century, a wave of religious movements have arisen in China, with various salvation groups as the main body; they can be roughly divided into two categories. First, they are folk sects with historical sectarian characteristics such as Yiguandao, or Huang sects spread in Hebei and other places. The second one is the Dao of Heaven, which is the altars that have been built in various parts of China since the middle of the Qing Dynasty, and the large-scale religious organizations that evolved from them. This religious movement has the color of doomsday salvation, and has had a considerable impact on the revitalization of Confucianism, social relief, life medicine, and even all strata of modern Chinese society; after 1949, among them, the Taoist Academy, the Red Swastika Society, Yiguandao, and Tongzhi Charity societies have moved to Taiwan and Hong Kong for development; Yiguandao has used this place as its base. Later, with the footsteps of immigrants and Taiwanese businessmen, it gradually spread to the world and became a world religion. Prasenjit Duara once told us based on Manchurian Railway's investigation of rural North China: the possible conflicts between the modern state and folk religion; folk religion can be regarded as the most fundamental part of Chinese folk culture and group life, and even rural society. sexual dimension. In addition to the above-mentioned important phenomena in modern times, the development of Chinese folk religion can be said to be quite active, and Chinese history can also be approached from different paths. This course adopts a loose interpretation and is taught on a topic-by-topic basis.

課程概述 Course Description

源於西方宗教學分類的「民間宗教」(Folk religion / Popular religion),這樣的詞彙其實是充滿爭議與岐義;有的學者認為它應包括民間通俗信仰與民間宗教結社,有的則認為民間宗教和民間信仰分屬於兩種不同類別;在中國歷代王朝民間宗教常常被視為是具有異端等負面的意義。相較於「三教」之外,「民間宗教」似乎更能體現與說明具有「混沌」、擴散的中國和台灣民眾宗教世界的特色。
"Folk religion/Popular religion" originates from the classification of Western religions. Such terms are actually full of controversy and ambiguity; some scholars believe that it should include folk popular beliefs and folk religious associations, while others believe that folk religion Religion and folk belief belong to two different categories; in the past dynasties of China, folk religion was often regarded as having negative connotations such as heresy. Compared with the "three religions", "folk religion" seems to be better able to reflect and explain the characteristics of the "chaotic" and diffuse popular religious world in China and Taiwan.

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學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[H308]
授課教師 Teacher:范純武
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:中國史領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。

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