course information of 112 - 2 | 0201 Chinese History (II): Medieval(中國史(下))

0201 - 中國史(下) Chinese History (II): Medieval

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為歷史系大一必修課程,為進入中國史專門領域之基礎課程,以講授宋元明清時期歷史為主,並且指導中國史入門基礎知識。作為高中進入大學的銜接課程,本課程著重於國家政策與政治結構的探討與剖析,目的在於彌補因高中教科書內容簡化,造成學生基礎知識不足之缺憾。此外,本課程亦安排課堂練習,力圖提高修課者的學習專注力與閱讀能力,達到師生的互動與交流,進而克服傳統大班制教學無法進行個人指導的困境。課程進行期間並且組織小組讀書會,透過團體討論,提升學生學習效果。This course is a compulsory course for freshmen in the history department. It is a basic course for entering the specialized field of Chinese history. It mainly teaches the history of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and provides guidance on the basic knowledge of Chinese history. As a bridging course from high school to university, this course focuses on the discussion and analysis of national policies and political structures. It aims to make up for the lack of basic knowledge among students due to the simplified content of high school textbooks. In addition, this course also arranges classroom exercises in an attempt to improve the study concentration and reading ability of the course participants, achieve interaction and communication between teachers and students, and thereby overcome the dilemma of traditional large-class teaching that cannot provide personal guidance. During the course, group reading clubs are also organized to improve students' learning results through group discussions.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is a basic course for entering the specialized field of Chinese history. It mainly teaches the history of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and provides introductory basic knowledge of Chinese history. As a bridging course from high school to university, it focuses on the discussion and analysis of national policies and political structures. It aims to make up for the shortcomings of students' lack of basic knowledge due to the simplified content of high school textbooks. In addition, this course also arranges classroom exercises in an attempt to improve the study concentration and reading ability of the course participants, achieve interaction and communication between teachers and students, and thereby overcome the dilemma of traditional large-class teaching that cannot provide personal guidance. During the course, group reading clubs are also organized to improve students' learning results through group discussions.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 竺沙雅章著,吳密察等譯《征服王朝的時代》(稻鄉出版社)
2. 岩見宏、谷口規矩雄合著,吳密察等譯《傳統中國的完成》(稻鄉出版社)
3. 劉子健,《兩宋史研究彙編》,台北:聯經,1987。
4. 陶晉生,《女真史論》,板橋:稻鄉出版社,2003。
5. 蕭啟慶,《元代史新探》,台北:新文豐,1983。
6. 吳�,《吳�史學論著選集》第一、二卷,北京:人民出版社,1984。
7. 陳捷先,《清史論集》,台北:東大圖書,1997。
8. 杜文玉《夜宴圖:浮華背後的五代十國》,台北:聯經出版事業公司,2007。
9. 寺地遵著,劉靜貞‧李今芸譯《南宋初期政治史研究》,台北:稻禾出版社,1995。
10. 黃寬重《政策.對策:宋代政治史探索》,台北:聯經,2013。
11. 李弘祺《宋代官學教育與科舉》,台北:聯經出版事業公司,1994。
12. 鄧廣銘《北宋政治改革家王安石》,三聯書店,2007。
13. 蕭啟慶《元代的族群文化與科舉》,台北:聯經出版,2008。
14. 杉山正明著,周俊宇譯《忽必烈的挑戰:蒙古與世界史的大轉向》,八旗文化,2014。
15. 樊樹志《崇禎皇帝:好皇帝為什麼毀了大明王朝》,本事文化,2012。
16. 黃仁宇《十六世紀明代中國之財政與稅收》,台北:聯經出版,2001。
17. 史景遷著,溫洽溢譯《康熙:重構一位中國皇帝的內心世界》,時報出版,2006。
18. 孔復禮著,謝亮生等譯《中華帝國晚期的叛亂及其敵人》,台北:時英出版,2004。
19. 羅友枝著,周衛平譯《最後的皇族: 滿洲統治者視角下的清宮廷》,八旗文化,2017

1. "The Age of Conquering Dynasties" written by Zhu Shaya Zhang and translated by Wu Micha and others (Daoxiang Publishing House)
2. "The Completion of Traditional China" co-authored by Hiroshi Iwami and Norio Taniguchi, translated by Micha Wu and others (Daoxiang Publishing House)
3. Liu Zijian, "Compilation of Research on the History of the Two Song Dynasties", Taipei: Lianjing, 1987.
4. Tao Jinsheng, "Jurchen History", Banqiao: Daoxiang Publishing House, 2003.
5. Xiao Qiqing, "New Exploration of the History of the Yuan Dynasty", Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 1983.
6. Wu ��, Volumes 1 and 2 of "Selected Works of Wu �� on Historiography", Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1984.
7. Chen Jiexian, "Anthology of Qing History", Taipei: Dongda Books, 1997.
8. Du Wenyu, "Night Banquet: The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Behind the Glitz", Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Company, 2007.
9. "Research on the Political History of the Early Southern Song Dynasty" translated by Liu Jingzhen and Li Jinyun, written by Si Ji Zun, Taipei: Daohe Publishing House, 1995.
10. Huang Kuanzhong's "Policy." Countermeasures: Exploring the Political History of the Song Dynasty", Taipei: Lianjing, 2013.
11. Li Hongqi, "Official Education and Imperial Examinations in the Song Dynasty", Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Company, 1994.
12. "Wang Anshi, Political Reformer of the Northern Song Dynasty" by Deng Guangming, Sanlian Bookstore, 2007.
13. Xiao Qiqing, "Ethnic Culture and Imperial Examinations in the Yuan Dynasty", Taipei: Lianjing Publishing House, 2008.
14. "Kublai Khan's Challenge: Mongolia and the Great Turn in World History" by Masaaki Sugiyama and translated by Zhou Junyu, Eight Banners Culture, 2014.
15. Fan Shuzhi, "Emperor Chongzhen: Why the Good Emperor Destroyed the Ming Dynasty", Benshi Culture, 2012.
16. Huang Renyu, "Finance and Taxation in Ming Dynasty China in the Sixteenth Century", Taipei: Lianjing Publishing House, 2001.
17. "Kangxi: Reconstructing the Inner World of a Chinese Emperor" written by Shi Jingqian and translated by Wen Qiayi, published by The Times, 2006.
18. "Rebellion and its Enemies in the Late Chinese Empire" by Kong Fuli, translated by Xie Liangsheng and others, Taipei: Shiying Publishing, 2004.
19. "The Last Royal Family: The Qing Court from the Perspective of Manchu Rulers" written by Luo Youzhi and translated by Zhou Weiping, Eight Banners Culture, 2017

評分方式 Grading

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midterm exam
final exam
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學分 Credit:0-4
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[H305] Thursday/6,7[H308]
授課教師 Teacher:翁育瑄
修課班級 Class:歷史系1
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部選課。

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