course information of 112 - 2 | 0063 Film Reading and Script Writing(影像閱讀與劇本創作 )

0063 - 影像閱讀與劇本創作 Film Reading and Script Writing

教育目標 Course Target

本課程乃鑒於當代發達的影像敘事早已滲透進我們生活的肌理:當Youtube、抖音等短片充斥於我們的日常,影像敘事本身即是一種「觀看的政治」,充滿著折射與被折射的主客體縫隙。本課程認為,當代「說故事」的形式隨著影像媒介的急遽發展,將重新改寫我們對世界的「可見」與「不可見」──包括政治、性別、族群、身分認同……等諸種議題。影像將如何回應這些充滿自我觀看的命題?影像技術的高度發展,是否也將使我們重新回來定義自身的位置?折射出複雜而具當代性意義的生命經驗?本課程在這個前提下,擬透過劇本創作與影像閱讀的訓練,培養學生辨識影像政治,並進一步結構劇本的專業能力。期透過課程的訓練,引領學生和當代的媒材技術與自身的生命經驗進行對話與創作。This course is based on the fact that contemporary advanced video narratives have already penetrated into the fabric of our lives: when short videos such as Youtube and Douyin fill our daily lives, video narrative itself is a "politics of viewing", full of refracted and refracted subjects. object gap. This course believes that the contemporary form of "storytelling", with the rapid development of image media, will rewrite our "visible" and "invisible" views of the world - including politics, gender, ethnicity, identity, and other issues. . How will images respond to these propositions full of self-viewing? Will the rapid development of imaging technology also allow us to redefine our own position? Reflecting complex and contemporary life experiences? Based on this premise, this course aims to cultivate students' professional ability to identify the politics of images and further structure scripts through training in script creation and image reading. Through course training, students are guided to engage in dialogue and creation with contemporary media technology and their own life experiences.

參考書目 Reference Books

普多夫金(V.I. Pudovkin)著,劉森堯譯:《電影技巧與電影表演》,台北:書林出版有限公司,1980年。
David Bordwell著,游惠貞、李顯立譯:《電影意義的追尋——電影解讀手法的剖析與反思》,台北:遠流出版事業股份有限公司,1994年。
西摩•查特曼(Seymour Chatman)著,徐強譯:《故事與話語——小說和電影的敘事結構》,北京:中國人民大學出版社,2013年。
Jacques Aumont & Michel Marie著,吳珮慈譯:《當代電影分析方法論》,台北:遠流出版事業股份有限公司,1996年。

Zheng Shusen: "Film Genres and Genre Movies", Taipei: Hong Fan Bookstore Co., Ltd., 2005.
Nie Xinru: "The Language of Film", Shanghai: Fudan University Press Co., Ltd., 2012.
Written by V.I. Pudovkin, translated by Liu Senyao: "Film Techniques and Film Performance", Taipei: Shulin Publishing Co., Ltd., 1980.
Written by David Bordwell, translated by You Huizhen and Li Xianli: "The Pursuit of the Meaning of Movies—Analysis and Reflection on Film Interpretation Techniques", Taipei: Yuanliu Publishing Co., Ltd., 1994.
Written by Seymour Chatman, translated by Xu Qiang: "Story and Discourse-Narrative Structure of Novels and Films", Beijing: Renmin University of China Press, 2013.
"Contemporary Film Analysis Methodology" by Jacques Aumont & Michel Marie, translated by Wu Peici, Taipei: Yuanliu Publishing Co., Ltd., 1996.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class discussion
Class exercises
final assignment
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相似課程 Related Course

選修-0003 Film Reading and Script Writing / 影像閱讀與劇本創作 (共選修2-4(文學院開),授課教師:劉淑貞,三/10,11,12[H209])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11,12[H209]
授課教師 Teacher:劉淑貞
修課班級 Class:共選修2-4(中文系開)
選課備註 Memo:文學院0003課程併班上課

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目前選課人數為 37 人。

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