course information of 112 - 2 | 0057 Chinese (117)(中文(僑生班))

0057 - 中文(僑生班) Chinese (117)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的教學目的,希望能培養學生對閱讀文學的興趣,加強文藝作品的鑑賞程度,並提升其對生活情思、生命情態的敏感度,進而在創作方面有所增益。具體而言,於文學名篇及討論規劃中,經由師生密切的互動,增進學生表達意見與獨立思考判斷的能力, 以期涵養中國文化的意蘊之外,亦豐富其思想深度和想像空間。分別就古典小說和現代詩,以及文學與電影的關係,安排各式專題名作,主要重在文本精讀細品的詮釋,及寫作技巧的探討,並適時討論學生作品。除了誘發其學習的興致,體會文學的價值和趣味,同時也使其在寫作的過程中,感受自我實現的滿足。The teaching purpose of this course is to cultivate students' interest in reading literature, strengthen their appreciation of literary and artistic works, and enhance their sensitivity to life emotions and life modalities, thereby making some gains in creative writing. Specifically, in famous literary works and discussion planning, through close interaction between teachers and students, students' ability to express opinions and independent thinking and judgment is enhanced, in order to not only cultivate the meaning of Chinese culture, but also enrich their depth of thought and imagination. Various special masterpieces are arranged respectively on classical novels and modern poetry, as well as the relationship between literature and film. The main emphasis is on the interpretation of intensive reading and careful reading of the text, the discussion of writing skills, and timely discussions on student works. In addition to arousing their interest in learning and experiencing the value and interest of literature, they also feel the satisfaction of self-realization in the process of writing.

參考書目 Reference Books

路易斯.吉奈堤(Louis Giannetti)著,焦雄屏譯《認識電影》,北市.遠流出版,2005﹒6初版。
Edited by Zhang Mo, "Selected Readings of Small Poems", Taipei Erya Publishing House.
Edited by Zhang Mo, "Bedside Book of Small Poems", Taipei Erya Publishing House.
Edited by Zhang Mo and Xiao Xiao, "Three Hundred New Poems", Taipei Jiuge Publishing House.
Bai Ling et al., eds., "New Poetry Volume of the Modern Chinese Literature Series", Taipei Jiuge Publishing House.
Jian Zhengzhen, "Taiwan Modern Poetry Aesthetics", Taipei Yangzhi Publishing House.
Written by Xiao Xiao, "Modern Poetry Creation Practice", Taipei Erya Publishing House.
Written by Bai Ling, "The Birth of a Poetry", Taipei Jiuge Publishing House.
Written by Bai Ling, "The Temptation of a Poem", Taipei Kappa Publishing House.
Louis. "Understanding Movies", written by Louis Giannetti and translated by Jiao Xiongping, Beishi. Yuanliu Publishing, first edition in 2005.6.
clear. Written by Pu Songling, edited and edited by Zhang Youhe, "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi Hui Jian An An Commentary Edition", Beishi. Liren Book Company, published in 1991﹒9.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/8,9[H205] Tuesday/8,9[H307]
授課教師 Teacher:李皇誼
修課班級 Class:僑生1
選課備註 Memo:限僑生;人工選課

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目前選課人數為 4 人。

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