course information of 112 - 2 | 0041 History of Taiwan Literature(台灣文學史)

0041 - 台灣文學史 History of Taiwan Literature

教育目標 Course Target

1.介紹台灣新文學各個階段的發展脈絡 2.認識台灣重要的文學作家與作品 3.掌握每個階段重要的思潮流變1. Introduce the development context of each stage of Taiwan’s new literature 2. Understand Taiwan’s important literary writers and works 3. Grasp the important ideological changes at each stage

參考書目 Reference Books

1、葉石濤 台灣文學史綱(註解版) 春暉
2、彭瑞金 台灣新文學運動40年 自立
3、劉登翰等 台灣文學史(上、下) 海峽文藝
4、李南衡編 日據下台灣新文學(明集) 明潭
5、鍾肇政等編 光復前台灣文學全集 遠景
6、張恒豪等編 台灣文學作家全集(51冊) 前衛
7、施淑編 日據時期台灣小說選 前衛(麥田)
8、邱貴芬等《台灣小說史論》 麥田
9、黃錦樹、張錦忠 編《重寫台灣文學史》 麥田
10、陳芳明 《台灣新文學史》聯經

*葉石濤 台灣文學史綱(註解版) 春暉

1. Ye Shitao, An Outline of the History of Taiwan Literature (Annotated Edition) Chunhui
2. Peng Ruijin Taiwan’s New Literature Movement 40 years of self-reliance
3. Liu Denghan et al. History of Taiwanese Literature (Part 1 and 2) Strait Literature and Art
4. Li Nanheng edited Taiwan’s New Literature under Japanese Occupation (Ming Collection) Mingtan
5. Comprehensive collection of Taiwanese literature before liberation, edited by Chung Zhao-cheng and others, Vision
6. Complete Works of Taiwanese Literary Writers (51 volumes) edited by Zhang Henghao et al. Avant-garde
7. Selected Novels from Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation, edited by Shi Shu, Avant-garde (Wheatfield)
8. "History of Taiwan Novel" by Qiu Guifen and others, Wheat Field
9. "Rewriting the History of Taiwan Literature" edited by Huang Jinshu and Zhang Jinzhong, Wheatfield
10. Chen Fangming's "Taiwan New Literature History" Lianjing
11. "Taiwan History Illustrated" by Zhou Wanyao, Lian Jing
12. Zhou Wanyao's "Love and Longing for the Island" (Taipei: Yushan Society), 2017
13. Xu Junya, "Speechless Spring: Selected Novels of February 28" (Taipei: Yushan Society), 2003

Class materials
*Self-edited handouts
*Ye Shitao's Compendium of the History of Taiwan Literature (Annotated Edition) Chunhui

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8,9[H209]
授課教師 Teacher:阮美慧
修課班級 Class:中文系1,2
選課備註 Memo:中文系一、二年級優先。

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 56 人。

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