course information of 112 - 2 | 0006 Job Hunting and Interviewing Skills(美式職場競爭力培訓課程)

0006 - 美式職場競爭力培訓課程 Job Hunting and Interviewing Skills

教育目標 Course Target

1. students will be knowledgeable about how to identify companies/businesses in which to contact for internship and/or job opportunities 2. students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for writing a cover letter 3. students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for writing a quality resume 4. students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in a job interview 5. students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for writing a thank you letter 6. students will acquire the knowledge/skills necessary to progress toward gainful employment and career advancement 1. students will be knowledgeable about how to identify companies/businesses in which to contact for internship and/or job opportunities 2. students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for writing a cover letter 3. students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for writing a quality resume 4. students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in a job interview 5. students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for writing a thank you letter 6. students will acquire the knowledge/skills necessary to progress toward gainful employment and career advancement

課程概述 Course Description

就業力為大學生銜接職場的重要能力,舉凡目標定位、基本應徵能力培養,再到面試準備,都是學生踏入職場前的必備技能。為增加其競爭力,且因應國際市場趨勢,本課程將以全英授課方式進行。 在這學期課程裡,學生將加強其英文溝通、聽力,及報告/面試能力等,並培養跨文化競爭力(如: 深入探討東西方職場文化差異) 此課程是由學生及任課導師共同策劃而成,希望學生能在老師的帶領下,應用課堂習得的知識,更了解自身價值定位,並取得理想應徵職缺。除了讓學生擁有基本職場能力,並跳脫固有思考框架外,也能了解國際職場差異,以應對未來多變且高競爭的就業環境。
Employability is an important ability for college students to connect to the workplace. Target positioning, basic application ability development, and interview preparation are all necessary skills for students before entering the workplace. In order to increase its competitiveness and in response to international market trends, this course will be taught in English. In this semester course, students will strengthen their English communication, listening, and reporting/interview skills, etc., and develop cross-cultural competitiveness (such as in-depth exploration of the differences between Eastern and Western workplace cultures) This course is jointly planned by students and instructors. It is hoped that under the guidance of teachers, students can apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom to better understand their own value positioning and obtain the ideal job position. In addition to equipping students with basic workplace skills and thinking outside the box, students can also understand the differences in international workplaces to cope with the changing and highly competitive employment environment in the future.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Instructor-made handouts
2. Online media
3. Other online resources
1. Instructor-made handouts
2. Online media
3. Other online resources

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and ParticipationAttendance and Participation
Attendance and Participation
Midterm and Final ProjectsMidterm and Final Projects
Midterm and Final Projects
In-class Assignments and/or Quizzes In-class Assignments and/or Quizzes
In-class Assignments and/or Quizzes
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[LAN010]
授課教師 Teacher:Henry Westheim
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4(文學院開)
選課備註 Memo:學生學習自主課程

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 21 人。

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